Date: aug 6th
Life is good. Very very good.
--I am seeing someone. We hit it off in late June. I like him. We have a lot in common, he's attractive, very nice, smart, and he has a good sense of humor. These characteristics are important. We recently discussed the idea of a relationshop, but we are not ready to make that committment. Were taking baby steps, and enjoying one another.
I become excited and happy when we hang out; its cute.
--I am still in school. I'm taking 2 classes. 1 is a business and technology course. The other is college algebra. Going to summer school is a challenge, especially if 1 of the classes falls on saturday mornings @ 8am. Yuck. I am used to waking up early. I'd rather attend the morning class, than the afternoon. I can't wait to get my degrees. My major is still webg graphic designing.
-- I am 27 now. I feel young, healthy, active and in shape. I hit the gym 4 days a week. Its exciting, and a challenge. I always see progress, and I've built a lot of muscle. The only thing I'd like to work on is my tummy.
-- I am performing this saturday @ villains, which is a bar in chicago's south loop area. Ill be putting on 2 acts. How xxxciting. It will be videotaped, and youtube friendly. No nudity, unfortunately.
-- It is aug 6th, only a month and a half away til' summer finishes. I will take advantage of the beautiful weather, and won't hybernate inside.
-- I was asked if I can attend Montreal fetish weekend at the end of august. I will try. School and working are my main priorities.
I've been so focused on this, to the point where I really have not been booking photo shoots, or filming kinky fetish films. Its a lot of work, if u are ur own boss.
-- I've been staying connected with friends on my networking pages. Facebook (vanilla acct), twitter (addicting), myspace (I have many friends, but the site is going downhill), and fetlife (my personal fave).
-- I was training to run 4 the chicago marathon this year. Unfortunately, its 2 late 4 me to sign up. Also, I was a little hesitant to sign up. 1x this summer, I freaked out because I thought I had to go to the hospital. I ran 5 miles on the treadmill (which is normal). But on this day , it was hot outside and warm in the gym. I thought my heart would stop. I had to hurry home, to take a cold shower and drink lots of water. Everything was alright. That day
Frightened me.
-- I would like to start a new hobby. Boxing. I'd love to become trained in this sport. Learning how to properly fight (in general) would be great. I was briefly trained by my ex with learning jiut jitsu. I'm eager to learn.
-- I'm thinking about getting a new toy 4 next year. A motorcycle. First, I need to learn how to ride one, get licensed, then buy the actual bike.
There's a store in the burbs with great deals on bikes. I'd want either a ducati or suzuku.
That's about it.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009

Plushie Play
One of Mistress Xena's favorite activities is 'Humiliation'. She loves humiliating Her slaves. Mistress Xena showed off Her new teddy to slutty scott. Mistress Xena humiliated scott, by having scott fuck her new teddy. slutty scott was instructed to fuck his ass & his mouth. Mistress noticed that slutty scott did NOT become hard during this 'plushie scene'. Mistress continuously made fun of his tiny prick & his 'fucking' skills. Mistress decided that She was finished with the teddy & slutty scott. As instructed, slutty scott has to use his new plushie-friend each & every night.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
This scenario has always turned Me on..... "Gangbangs". 1 man & Women-with-Strapons or 1 Woman & many men with hard cocks.
I love watching porn, where group sex is involved. Whether it's vanilla sex or kinky sex (including bondage, corporal punishment, humiliation, etc).
If it's one Woman with several men surrounding her (eating her ass, eating her pussy, sucking her titties, she is stroking some cock, she's sucking on a cock, the rest of the men are jerking off), then I find this Woman great @ multi-tasking.
Extremely arousing: If a Woman is bound to the bed, blindfolded & gagged, and she is calmly waiting for a group of men to fuck her. god damn!
In the dungeon: One of the very 1st pro scenes I was involved in included 1 slave. he was tied to the bondage swing, while 4 Dominatrixes were in the room (including Myself). he had to beg for Our cock. he was not blindfolded. We wanted to see his eyes & his lovely facial reactions, when he would get fucked by Us. Of COURSE, I am ALWAYS the one with the biggest & fattest cock. mmmm.
Little story:
I know a Woman who had lost Her Virginity to a group of men. The men were all Friends, and met this young 16 year old @ a public event. They became friends & kept in contact. 3 months later, She lost Her virginity to the group of 3. They fucked like animals. Funny thing... The men all had nicknames. The nicknames were a type of 'animal'. Goat, Horse & Pig. Why did they choose to have animal-names? I have no idea. Afterwards, she wanted it again & again. A next time, there were 4 horny men & the 16 year old. 1 time, it was the sexy orgy in the woods. Another time was @ the beach @ night. Another was in My Lover's van.
Out of the group, she started to date 1 of the fella's. From there, the relationship was Monogamous. She was with this person for 2 1/2 yrs. It didn't work out. During the relationship, she wanted group sex. Fantasized about having an open relationship. It didn't happen. The relationship was definitely a love-triangle, a fantasy which came true, and didn't work.
Oh, ok.. I'll spill the truth.. The 16 year old in this story happened to be Myself. I began watching Pornographic videos @ an early age. The porn was vanilla porn, either on the SPICE channel or another channel which I don't recall. Some of the scenes involved group-sex. It was quite arousing, of course. When I was 14-15, I wanted to fuck so bad. The group sex was not planned. We were @ a party. I did drink a little bit. @ that age, alcohol made Me a 'little' wild. I was not drunk during the 1st time. I had a little buzz & wanted IT ! ! ! I got it pretty good.
I am going to continue to work on My website & watch the lovely virgin pussies on My television.
I love watching porn, where group sex is involved. Whether it's vanilla sex or kinky sex (including bondage, corporal punishment, humiliation, etc).
If it's one Woman with several men surrounding her (eating her ass, eating her pussy, sucking her titties, she is stroking some cock, she's sucking on a cock, the rest of the men are jerking off), then I find this Woman great @ multi-tasking.
Extremely arousing: If a Woman is bound to the bed, blindfolded & gagged, and she is calmly waiting for a group of men to fuck her. god damn!
In the dungeon: One of the very 1st pro scenes I was involved in included 1 slave. he was tied to the bondage swing, while 4 Dominatrixes were in the room (including Myself). he had to beg for Our cock. he was not blindfolded. We wanted to see his eyes & his lovely facial reactions, when he would get fucked by Us. Of COURSE, I am ALWAYS the one with the biggest & fattest cock. mmmm.
Little story:
I know a Woman who had lost Her Virginity to a group of men. The men were all Friends, and met this young 16 year old @ a public event. They became friends & kept in contact. 3 months later, She lost Her virginity to the group of 3. They fucked like animals. Funny thing... The men all had nicknames. The nicknames were a type of 'animal'. Goat, Horse & Pig. Why did they choose to have animal-names? I have no idea. Afterwards, she wanted it again & again. A next time, there were 4 horny men & the 16 year old. 1 time, it was the sexy orgy in the woods. Another time was @ the beach @ night. Another was in My Lover's van.
Out of the group, she started to date 1 of the fella's. From there, the relationship was Monogamous. She was with this person for 2 1/2 yrs. It didn't work out. During the relationship, she wanted group sex. Fantasized about having an open relationship. It didn't happen. The relationship was definitely a love-triangle, a fantasy which came true, and didn't work.
Oh, ok.. I'll spill the truth.. The 16 year old in this story happened to be Myself. I began watching Pornographic videos @ an early age. The porn was vanilla porn, either on the SPICE channel or another channel which I don't recall. Some of the scenes involved group-sex. It was quite arousing, of course. When I was 14-15, I wanted to fuck so bad. The group sex was not planned. We were @ a party. I did drink a little bit. @ that age, alcohol made Me a 'little' wild. I was not drunk during the 1st time. I had a little buzz & wanted IT ! ! ! I got it pretty good.
I am going to continue to work on My website & watch the lovely virgin pussies on My television.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
May 18th, 2009
I did NOT want to wake up @ all. When I did get up out of the bed, I noticed that My eyes were more puffy than usual. Maybe because I had 5hrs. of sleep? 5hrs. is NOT enough. 8hrs. is what I usually have. What kept Me awake? Watching 'Pretty Woman', for the zillionth time. I absolutely adore Julia Roberts, to this day.
My Friend had said that I looked sad today. Hmm. I was a little sad. The reason being is because I can't escape to NYC for Fetish Marathon @ the end of May. I THOUGHT I'd be able to, but My main priority now is school. Yes, it USED to be traveling... sessioning all the time... partying like a wild child. But currently, it's not. I go to a club, 1 or 2x's a Month. I am very particular as to who I have session with Me (I turn down quite a few men), and I don't travel 1x a month (like b4).
School is My focus. I only have 2 classes for this Semester, and 2 is enough for Me. I'm a part time Student @ Devry & I am a work-a-holic. My hobbies are worked on, 2x's a week. I work-out @ the gym, 4-5 days a week.
So let Me go back to the sad part. I admit, I was somewhat sad. No NYC trip for Me (I'll wait til' the semester is over), and another thing that had made Me sad is that I do not get to spend much time with My friends/family. Another thing that I must admit is that I don't know if I'm enjoying the fact that I live alone. I love it, but then again, I don't.
After work, I had planned on going to My favorite furniture store in Chicago. Mike's furniture, on Ashland Ave., by Division. And I did it. I FINALLY purchased a new couch. I couldn't get a vinyl/leather couch, thanks to My lovely cats. I bought a big black couch. The boys will be delivering the couch this Friday. My cats & I are going to be in heaven. :)
After My big purchase, I has went to the currency exchange to pay the bills. Gas, Electric, Internet. Then My finance company, to pay My truck (every month, I have to pay a good amt. of money. Can't wait til' the truck is ALL paid off).
Then, I had went to My favorite Mexican restaurant in Chicago. Nuevo Leon, on W.18th St. Their Ground Beef tacos are absolutely scrumptious.
Tonight, I am going to finish watching Pretty Woman... then work on My school projects.
I'd like to edit videos tonight, but I'm having 'issues' with My DVD drive on My PC. I haven't figured out how to fix this shit.
Back to Pretty Woman. . . . .
When I watch Pretty Woman, I think to Myself, "Will the right guy drop in My lap, unexpectedly?" In the movie, Julia Roberts approaches Richard Gere (in his Lotus). She plays a 'Hooker' in the Movie, on the streets of Hollywood BLVD. She approaches Richard, thinking Richard is waiting for her to get into his Lotus. Really, he is trying to figure out how to appropriately drive a stick-shift vehicle. So she approaches, he asks for directions, she gets in the car & there they go. See, that happened unexpectedly to Richard. I love the entire movie, I must say. Ok. Why am I going ON & ON about the Movie? The reason being is because I miss having a Boyfriend. I love the single life, but miss having a Boyfriend. I have My friend/lover in My life, but it is not enough for Me. Yeah, what really IS the right guy? What WILL the future entail for Me? God only knows.
My Friend had said that I looked sad today. Hmm. I was a little sad. The reason being is because I can't escape to NYC for Fetish Marathon @ the end of May. I THOUGHT I'd be able to, but My main priority now is school. Yes, it USED to be traveling... sessioning all the time... partying like a wild child. But currently, it's not. I go to a club, 1 or 2x's a Month. I am very particular as to who I have session with Me (I turn down quite a few men), and I don't travel 1x a month (like b4).
School is My focus. I only have 2 classes for this Semester, and 2 is enough for Me. I'm a part time Student @ Devry & I am a work-a-holic. My hobbies are worked on, 2x's a week. I work-out @ the gym, 4-5 days a week.
So let Me go back to the sad part. I admit, I was somewhat sad. No NYC trip for Me (I'll wait til' the semester is over), and another thing that had made Me sad is that I do not get to spend much time with My friends/family. Another thing that I must admit is that I don't know if I'm enjoying the fact that I live alone. I love it, but then again, I don't.
After work, I had planned on going to My favorite furniture store in Chicago. Mike's furniture, on Ashland Ave., by Division. And I did it. I FINALLY purchased a new couch. I couldn't get a vinyl/leather couch, thanks to My lovely cats. I bought a big black couch. The boys will be delivering the couch this Friday. My cats & I are going to be in heaven. :)
After My big purchase, I has went to the currency exchange to pay the bills. Gas, Electric, Internet. Then My finance company, to pay My truck (every month, I have to pay a good amt. of money. Can't wait til' the truck is ALL paid off).
Then, I had went to My favorite Mexican restaurant in Chicago. Nuevo Leon, on W.18th St. Their Ground Beef tacos are absolutely scrumptious.
Tonight, I am going to finish watching Pretty Woman... then work on My school projects.
I'd like to edit videos tonight, but I'm having 'issues' with My DVD drive on My PC. I haven't figured out how to fix this shit.
Back to Pretty Woman. . . . .
When I watch Pretty Woman, I think to Myself, "Will the right guy drop in My lap, unexpectedly?" In the movie, Julia Roberts approaches Richard Gere (in his Lotus). She plays a 'Hooker' in the Movie, on the streets of Hollywood BLVD. She approaches Richard, thinking Richard is waiting for her to get into his Lotus. Really, he is trying to figure out how to appropriately drive a stick-shift vehicle. So she approaches, he asks for directions, she gets in the car & there they go. See, that happened unexpectedly to Richard. I love the entire movie, I must say. Ok. Why am I going ON & ON about the Movie? The reason being is because I miss having a Boyfriend. I love the single life, but miss having a Boyfriend. I have My friend/lover in My life, but it is not enough for Me. Yeah, what really IS the right guy? What WILL the future entail for Me? God only knows.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Naughty Playground @ Kinetic Playground - Chicago - May 9
Kinetic Playground: Saturday May 9th

MORE info on our parties:

MORE info on our parties:
Monday, April 27, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
2 new clips in My store - Tickle Torment
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click here to view the post.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
NEW Clips added to My store - Tickling, Spanking, CBT
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click here to view the post.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Stuff of the Day - Wednesday
Quote of the Day
Q & A's of the Day
Should I Tell My Partner I Have a Fetish?
Yes and no. Blurting out "I get off on hairy women" on a first date with someone you barely know probably isn't a good idea. However, if you're beginning what might be a long-term relationship and your fetish plays an important role in your sexual life, you should consider coming clean.
"Sexual compatibility is key to every joyous union," says Gloria Brame, author of the new book Come Hither: A Commonsense Guide to Kinky Sex (Simon and Schuster, 2000). "You should try to find out, right up front, if you share the same sexual values. Do this before either of you make commitments and definitely before you fall in love," she adds.
What If He or She Freaks Out When I Reveal My Fetish?
There are several scenarios here. What if your partner gets hysterical or overreacts when you mention your thing for rubber outfits? "That's a clue that he or she may have some sexual hang-ups," says Brame. In this case, you'll want to ditch either the rubber or your lover.
What if your partner simply doesn't share your passion for platform shoes, but isn't repulsed by it, either? "You can't force the issue," says Brame. "You have to figure out how important that fetish is in your life."
Can a Fetish Be Unhealthy?
Even masturbation can be unsafe or unhealthy. There's nothing wrong with workin' the gherkin, but a guy who sticks his penis into a vacuum cleaner is asking for trouble. The same is true of fetishes: it's not what you do, but how you do it that makes it unsafe. If your fetish becomes more important than your partner (you could care less who your partner is, as long as he or she is fulfilling the fetish), you may have a problem.
"The same safe, sane, and consensual credo of the organized S&M community applies to fetishists. The activity should be physically and emotionally safe, you shouldn't be taking any crazy risks, and both partners must be of consenting age, mentally capable of giving consent and know what they're consenting to."
Music of the Day
Yellow Magic Orchestra - Nice Age (live)
The Human League - Being Boiled (1982)
Movie Clips of the Day
All about Eve
Blue Velvet - Ben, One Suave Fucker
Q & A's of the Day
Should I Tell My Partner I Have a Fetish?
Yes and no. Blurting out "I get off on hairy women" on a first date with someone you barely know probably isn't a good idea. However, if you're beginning what might be a long-term relationship and your fetish plays an important role in your sexual life, you should consider coming clean.
"Sexual compatibility is key to every joyous union," says Gloria Brame, author of the new book Come Hither: A Commonsense Guide to Kinky Sex (Simon and Schuster, 2000). "You should try to find out, right up front, if you share the same sexual values. Do this before either of you make commitments and definitely before you fall in love," she adds.
What If He or She Freaks Out When I Reveal My Fetish?
There are several scenarios here. What if your partner gets hysterical or overreacts when you mention your thing for rubber outfits? "That's a clue that he or she may have some sexual hang-ups," says Brame. In this case, you'll want to ditch either the rubber or your lover.
What if your partner simply doesn't share your passion for platform shoes, but isn't repulsed by it, either? "You can't force the issue," says Brame. "You have to figure out how important that fetish is in your life."
Can a Fetish Be Unhealthy?
Even masturbation can be unsafe or unhealthy. There's nothing wrong with workin' the gherkin, but a guy who sticks his penis into a vacuum cleaner is asking for trouble. The same is true of fetishes: it's not what you do, but how you do it that makes it unsafe. If your fetish becomes more important than your partner (you could care less who your partner is, as long as he or she is fulfilling the fetish), you may have a problem.
"The same safe, sane, and consensual credo of the organized S&M community applies to fetishists. The activity should be physically and emotionally safe, you shouldn't be taking any crazy risks, and both partners must be of consenting age, mentally capable of giving consent and know what they're consenting to."
Music of the Day
Yellow Magic Orchestra - Nice Age (live)
The Human League - Being Boiled (1982)
Movie Clips of the Day
All about Eve
Blue Velvet - Ben, One Suave Fucker
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Stuff of the Day - Tuesday (Jan 6)
Quote of the Day
"Happy Tied-Up Tuesday !!"
Complaint of the Day
When it snows in Chicago, you do NOT have to drive 10 mph.
What the fuck !
Q&A of the Day
Question ...
"My wife and I are totally into kinky sex. What I’m looking for is advice for a kinkier way to have sex. To give a little bit of our sex history: We have sex in many different position. I love having vaginal and anal sex with her. I love using sex toys on her in a whole lot of ways. She really gets into it. In the past, we took pictures of each other while having sex. Now, we are talk about making a video. Besides having sex with her I love with all my heart. During sex, we talk a lot of dirty sex talk. One thing she talked about was having two of me at the same time. Ever since she said that, I always get hot thinking about it. I want to watch her have sex with a other guy, and then I join in on the fun.
How would you go about something like this?"
"These days, the easiest way to find a man to fuck your wife is online through adult networking sites and craigslist. No, the easiest way to find a man to fuck your wife is to go into any bar and ask someone. No, really, the easiest way to find a man to fuck your wife is to go to a swing club, not the kind that is couples only, but the kind that allows single men to come in and gawk. Chat up a few decent-looking gawkers. Ask normal ice-breaker questions and find one who can interact like a regular human being. He doesn’t have to be perfect, but you should both agree he is cute enough and friendly. Excuse yourselves to get drinks and confirm with your wife that he’s a good candidate. Ask him if he’d like to join you in one of those private little bedrooms. Express your hopes in straightforward positive sentences, so that there’s no uncertainty or doubt on anyone’s part. Say something like: “I’ve love to see you fuck my wife” with a big smile on your face. Don’t forget your backup Viagra.
Movie Clips of the Day
Music clips of the Day
Best Of To Wong Foo
2-Live Crew, "Face down ass up"
Kurtis Blow - If I Ruled The World
"Happy Tied-Up Tuesday !!"
Complaint of the Day
When it snows in Chicago, you do NOT have to drive 10 mph.
What the fuck !
Q&A of the Day
Question ...
"My wife and I are totally into kinky sex. What I’m looking for is advice for a kinkier way to have sex. To give a little bit of our sex history: We have sex in many different position. I love having vaginal and anal sex with her. I love using sex toys on her in a whole lot of ways. She really gets into it. In the past, we took pictures of each other while having sex. Now, we are talk about making a video. Besides having sex with her I love with all my heart. During sex, we talk a lot of dirty sex talk. One thing she talked about was having two of me at the same time. Ever since she said that, I always get hot thinking about it. I want to watch her have sex with a other guy, and then I join in on the fun.
How would you go about something like this?"
"These days, the easiest way to find a man to fuck your wife is online through adult networking sites and craigslist. No, the easiest way to find a man to fuck your wife is to go into any bar and ask someone. No, really, the easiest way to find a man to fuck your wife is to go to a swing club, not the kind that is couples only, but the kind that allows single men to come in and gawk. Chat up a few decent-looking gawkers. Ask normal ice-breaker questions and find one who can interact like a regular human being. He doesn’t have to be perfect, but you should both agree he is cute enough and friendly. Excuse yourselves to get drinks and confirm with your wife that he’s a good candidate. Ask him if he’d like to join you in one of those private little bedrooms. Express your hopes in straightforward positive sentences, so that there’s no uncertainty or doubt on anyone’s part. Say something like: “I’ve love to see you fuck my wife” with a big smile on your face. Don’t forget your backup Viagra.
Movie Clips of the Day
Music clips of the Day
Best Of To Wong Foo
2-Live Crew, "Face down ass up"
Kurtis Blow - If I Ruled The World
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