Don’t be foolish..Come party with your lovely Hostess’s Mistress Clawdia, Lady Maria and Mistress Xena at the Studio (Chicago).
Come celebrate April Fools Day with us at The Studio dressed in your best drag or Zentai suit. Better yet! Come dressed in drag IN a Zentai suit! Whether you attend in flamboyant Queenly attire or maintain your anonymity while slinking around in a Zentai suit you can let your freaky fool out! Cross dressers of both genders, Zentai enthusiasts, drag kings & queens, loose moraled boys & girls, court jesters, and peeping toms are all welcome.
Men: let your inner Diva out dress up classy or like a harlot!
Ladies: Let you inner masculine side some out full force!
Makeup applications are available.
Heel walking competitions and special prize for best costume!
Come out of the closet and get your Drag on!!
Where: The Studio, fully equipped dungeon, 10 minutes South of Downtown.
When: Apr 1st (Our parties are on the 1st Fridays, of every month).
Time: 10pm-3am
Cost: $20.00 per person. $30 per couple.
Bring your toys.
RSVP: nuitdeslibertines@yahoo.com (include your full name in the RSVP).
Website: http://libertineschicago.com
~~Indulge your fantasies~~
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