Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tickle Mania in Chicago - Friday, Dec 2

Nuit Des Libertines Presents: "Tickle Mania"

Come participate in brutal tickling games, with your Ticklers:

Lady Maria & Mistress Xena

Tickle games will be held during the party. For instance:

- Battle of the Sexes, to see who can take being tickled the most.
- Blindfolding a Ticklee & he or she will guess who is tickling them.
-The Ticklee is told a secret, and then is Tickled until the secret is released from him or her.
-Tickling contest to show off your tickle skills, or your ability to withstand the torture. Winner gets a gag prize.
Come on out, for a good laugh, or a good cry!

-Where: The Studio - Chicago
-When: Friday, Dec 2nd, 2011
-Starts at 10pm. Ends at 3am.
-Cost: $10 for Women, $20 for men
-Attire: Fetish or Casual
-Bring your toys

RSVP: nuitdeslibertines@yahoo.com (include your full name in the RSVP).

Main Site: http://libertineschicago.com
The Studio: http://thestudiochicago.com

~Indulge your Fantasies~

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