- WOW, it's the 1st of the Month... which means that Halloween is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER. Hip Hip HORRAY! What to be for this Halloween? Hmm. Something Different & Something Unique = A MUST !
- Rent is due. Lovely, just lovely. It's raining & looking miserable out. I have an urge to shop again (grr).
- Missing the Skin Two Rubber Ball again, held in London (1x a Year, around this time). How do I feel? Sad about it. But you know what? I don't feel like blowing so much fucking money in London.
- Selling some of My DVD's. Check it out:
My Store.
TigerDirect = AWESOME. Will hunt for a new Video Camera, so I won't have to borrow anybody else's.
- slaves: Want to make Mistress Happy? Then send in your DONATIONS to Me through
MoneyBookers. Send it to this email address: mistressxena_chicago@yahoo.com
- My Quads/Thighs are SO SORE, from Saturday. My muscles are aching. Hell NO I'm not going to take an Ice-Bath. BRRR. Pain Killers & Protein Shakes Will probably work.
- I had a client see Me yesterday. he hasn't served anybody in over 3 yrs. When he arrived, I can tell he was nervous. This dude had his hands in his pockets, for the first 5minutes he was @ the Studio. I actually got NERVOUS. I was thinking, 'Does he have a gun or a knife in his pockets?' I haven't got nervous with a client like that in Years. It's just My paranoia, but STILL.... what if he DID have something in his pocket? I have enough 'things' I can use to protect Myself (Will not say what).
- Last dream I had was that My friend was pregnant & about to give birth. But in the delivery room, I was the one giving birth & laying on the delivery table. WIERD! Here I go again, with talking about babies....I've been thinking about having a kid soon, but know that I'm not ready for it... nor am I financially stable for it. As a fact, that's one of My all-time fears.... to give birth. Am I going to have it naturally, or will they cut Me open? If they cut Me open, they will have to give Me an Epidural Anesthesia. God forbid, If I see that needle & feel it, I'd pass out beforehand. *shivers* Why am I talking about this? I spoke with someone on Saturday. Her name is anonymous. She stated she is 31yrs. old & that she has 6 Children. Not 2, but 6. I asked her, "How do ya do it"? She states, "LOTSA SEX, BABY!". Well, DUH! But I remember telling her, "You Crazy"! Then I felt somewhat BAD for telling her that...and apologized. She's one brave cookie, but it's really a blessing to just have so many kids @ such a young age (that she is).
- I might have to give My cat up soon. She has ALL the symptoms that she's suffering. Diarrhea every single day, Vomiting (3-4x's a week), Loneliness, Non-stop Crying (can be hard to sleep @ times), Eating ALOT (not a proper diet), Thin as FUCK, etc. I am actually considering giving her to a Non-Kill Shelter. But why? So she can suffer more? They have all the expensive & proper meds for My Althia. Poor baby.
- Expecting a Royal Blue Rubber Ballgown (by
Westward Bound. THANK GOD! :)
- I'm trying to get rid of My Rubber (just a few items). I don't want to place it on EBAY, but I might just have to. Ladies/boys... If you're interested, here's the info:
1) Purple Rubber Dress - Selling for $200 - Medium Weight - Size Small - 3 Way Zip - An Individual Rubber Clothing Maker of London made this Catsuit.

2) Plain Blue Rubber Dress - Selling for $40 - Medium Weight - Size Medium

3) Rubber Ensemble - Selling for $225 - Size Large - Comes with Open Top, Skirt & Choker (Blue hair is already attached to the Items) - By VEX CLOTHING