- Yesterday's Dungeon Party was fun fun. Having newbies there makes Me happy...and eager to play. But if it's some old-fart (dressed like a bum) that only drank beer & watched without talking to ANYONE has to go buh-bye. Probably came in his pants numerously. Good god, just ate breakfast... don't need to vomit after talking about cum. When Miss Aria arrived, I was in such a mood to cut her up with her own blade (like how I did @ GothicFest). But she's heeling. Don't need to irritate the cuts, since they're healing. But it's SO MUCH FUN. Never did it b4 the GothicFest act (which was last Friday). Never really thought I'd be so exXxcited over cutting someone.
- Got 2 Biz Outfits & Biz shoes 4 sweeties-day. I knew the man was up 2 something. Yesterday, tickle tom says I'm a dork for believing in Sweeties day. lol. Yeah, I'm a dork. SO WHAT !
- Ahh yes, we're going to have a Fetish Party on Nov 2nd in a Beautiful Mansion on the Northside of Chicago. MORE INFO will be posted later today on My site @ BondageNightChicago.Com.
- 71 degrees out & I'm a happy cookie.
- My Crossdresser girlfriend, MsCindy, tells Me that this dude, 'Dennis Kucinich' would be a great candidate for the President of the United States. I said, "WHO? Never heard of the prick". Check out His Professional Website.
My question.... Do you think Hilary Clinton has a chance for Presidency? Personally, I cannot stand her. She's all 'talk'.
She's saying in this pic ... Since Monica sucked it, so can this doggy. Cheesy photo. Another photo titled, AHHHHHHH, it's hilary. This photo Best describes her. Enough of the political rambling.
- The ELVIRA reality show was on Fox Reality TV yesterday. Pretty interesting. Recognized & Know a couple chicks who tried out for it. Hmm, wonder who would win. Her 2 assistants (Elvira Look a-likes) were both dudes in drag.. But GOOD GOD, they were BOTH GORGEOUS. Holy cow. They both pulled it off PERFECTLY. This dude Is one of the assistants, I believe.
- What I'm seeking for our parties in the future? Shows like.....
Belly Dancers, Fire Eaters, Suspension Acts, Clown Porn (LOL), Guest Dommes, Bondage acts, Burlesque Babes, Fashion Shows, Basic Fetish Role-Playing act, etc. Yes, you'll be paid for it.. Just EMAIL ME & tell Me what you do & we'll go from there: MistressXena_Chicago@yahoo.com
If you're a band who would like to perform @ one of our events, just write Me & email Me your webpage/myspace page so We can review your music.
: )
- Baby found dead in an attic. Like I said in yesterday's bulletin, "WHAT IS THIS WORLD CUMMING TO"?
- Foto of the Day...
- Title : SHE WHISPERS !
- Who? Miss Aria & Xena
- When? Dec 2006
- Where? Naughty Spot


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