- Some garbage truck drivers (dudes who collect garbage from the alleys, to resell) had stopped to watch Me cross the street... so I snarl (since they were staring & had nothing better else to do)... then they scream out of the car while they pass Me, "COCK SUCKER". WOW, that SOOO hurts My feelings. Fuckin' pussies couldn't say it in My face. And this had to have happened @ 10am this morning. NOW NOW, too early for name-calling. So I blew a kiss...I should have screamed out, "SO WHAT" !
- Yesterday night, Mike & I with friends were gonna check out some fricken haunted house in Melrose Park, IL... But the line was super long, we said 'Fuck It'. Went back to friends' house... then all of a sudden, I felt SO MUCH PAIN. Had to go home. Sucks being sick, or a party pooper.
- Sweeties day is 2day. What did you get your man / woman ?
Yes, it's another Hallmark holiday. Today, I had to sneak away to get him a gift. He likes ! he got home from his haircut (while I had hurried to get his gift), and he took a while to get home. I thought.. hmm, maybe he went to a store to get Me something. But he didn't. he's up 2 somethin'.
- Harry Potter Character is Gay. SO WHAT. BIG DEAL. Here's the story.
- Texas man burns baby in his microwave. Here's the story. What the FUCK is this world cumming to. If I were the Ma, I'd pull a Lorena Bobbitt. his head would Look like this.
- Chicago peeps. you HAVE TO go to Fantasy Headquarters. *drools*
4065 N Milwaukee Ave / Chicago, IL 60641 / (773) 777-0222
- My pussy, ALthia, is getting better. Photos of MY pussy is in My photo-album. so this morning, I seen a black cat (with a collar) on the street. I was tempted to Kitty Nap her.. but that wouldn't be right.. she probably belongs to a family. Plus finding a cat from the streets costs Money to take for the Vet. Love black kitties.
- Tomorrow, I have a photo shoot with Ed Emering. I have a lucky-victim (sarah) for the shoot. It's going to be fun fun. Ed took the Default pic of Me. Ladies... He's a really good photographer. His myspace..http://www.myspace.com/lesuzeraindedragon.
I already have the yummy photo sets planned. MmMMmmM.. and it's too much fun working with other FEmale Models.
- TONIGHT is Fetish FUN. We're hosting a Private Dungeon party @ the Continnum. MORE INFO IS FOUND ON THE SITE: BondageNightChicago.Com. Write Me to RSVP: MistressXena_Chicago@yahoo.com
If you don't RSVP, then you won't receive additional info. If you RSVP, then you WILL ! My question for you folks.......... what do you prefer... a Public Fetish Party, or a Private Fetish Party? Yes, there's a big difference between the TWO.
- foto of the day
When : Oct 31st 2006
Where: After My show @ Jackhammer
What: Outfit by Demask. MMMMM.
Who: Some Rubber Chick with Big Rubber Boobies
Comment: Suck My Big Black ****


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