My love life is absolutely a ROLLER COASTER , and I don't know what to do.
My instincts say to LEAVE. My heart says to STAY.
he will be leaving for a week, to stay with a family member. him & I suggested it, and hope that will be a smart move for our relationship. I suggested that he should be gone for 2 weeks, and he said 'okay'. I am not sure if both of us can handle that, since we're so 'attached' to one-another.
How I've been feeling during this month of November.....
Not receiving much affection, sad, tired, stressed, hurt, thinking if are we really going to have a future, never listened to (what I say goes in one ear, and goes right out the other ear), feel like our problems will never be resolved, wanting more in the relationship (better and better), angry, thinking violent thoughts in my head, I lose my temper often, feel like my point never gets across, not supported (I'm not referring to 'financially'... just in general), always doing something wrong (pointing fingers is SO HIGH-SCHOOL), wanting a better life, isolated, don’t communicate much with my friends, constantly thinking about the future, Loss of interest in normal daily activities, impaired thinking or concentration, changes in my weight, easily annoyed, fatigue, low self esteem, excessive or inappropriate feelings of guilt, trouble making decisions, low appetite, sleeping too much, feel of worthlessness, rejected, feel like he is my worst enemy, I can’t let go (although I’m tolerating all the mistreatment), he doesn’t show any sympathy, insecure, sometimes I feel that I cannot control myself, feel that our problems will never get better, afraid that we will continue to hurt one another (physically and mentally), I wish he was the same person I met at first (but ever since we moved in together, I feel that my life is going downhill), I feel that him being nice to me is ‘Fake’, I feel like I can do a lot better (but I don’t want to break up), I feel like sex is a band aid in our relationship, I may have a smile on my face... but My heart isn't smiling at all, I feel like going back on Zoloft (although it really didn't do much... it sure makes Me gain weight).
We even turned to relationship-counseling. But what we really need is to take Anger-Management classes. I must admit, I could be a bitch... I could be stubborn... If I don't get My way, steam will be shooting out of My ears. I've had an ex-boyfriend similar to My current one (My ex and I dated for 2 years, and he was much worse). After dating that jerk-off, I told Myself that I would NEVER EVER date another man similar to My ex. I hate comparing both of them, but there are a lot of similarities.
What are your thoughts on Relationship Counseling?
What was the outcome?
What do you do, when you are feeling symptoms of Depression?