- In the process of creating something awesome. What is it ? Can't say. But I've been working on this project all morning.
- I have MORE solo-video-clips waiting for Me. woohoo. Today (LATER), I'm thinking about setting up My Webcam for Chatting. MIGHT try to set up My LIVE CAM STORE. MORE INFO ON ONE OF MY WEBSITES.
- Yesterday night, I added 25 free pics to My Website....Go HERE, UNDER 'FREE PICS'.
- I hate death-metal....but some song that My bf played 2day was actually not-bad.
- Have a new home for BLOGGING: http://mistressxenachicago.blogspot.com
- DEFAULT pic by Steve Lake. It's a STILL , while SHOOTING the Movie, "MERCY". Wanna buy "MERCY", for $29.99 PLUS S&H??? Then Contact Me @ MistressXena_Chicago@Yahoo.Com
- I'm getting fed-up with seeing My photos on other ppl's pages. Here's an Example... but this person (creepy the masturbating clown) asked 4 permission. Should you ? SURE !
- Still need to see 'Mr.Bean' in the theatre. Was it funny? Was it? What a little dweeb !
- I'm sick of NEO & EXIT in Chicago. Same ol' schtuff. Same ol' Same ol'.
I DO miss 80s nite @ NEO (haven't been in a few months), I must admit that.
New club in Chicago, with ALL TYPES of DJ's and ALL TYPES of Musica? I'm 100% for it !

By: Jason Ernst.

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